Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New at this...

So, I am taking another step further out of the dinosaur age.  We'll see how this whole blog thing goes.  Others do it all the time, most rather successfully as far as I can tell!  Maybe there is hope for me too.

This post is mostly just about taking this blog for a test run to see if I can figure out how to work it.  So far, so good!  

Cool! I even figured out how to add a picture!  This is one of my favorites from our recent trip to San Francisco.  (We were on our way down to Fort Point.)  

Now I'll have to try to create something for a challenge somewhere so I can try submitting a blog post about it instead of just a flicker picture...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your Picture!! Your Blog name fits you Perfectly!!!

    Great Job Rose!!!


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